Monday, 27 June 2011

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Help Four Paws to stop battery farming (rabbits)

The Four Paws organisation have been campaining to stop the battery/intensive farming of rabbits in the UK, after succesfully exposing the state of some rabbit farms here.
There is an 'Early Day Motion' debate taking place in Westmister about this very subject soon.

If enough MP's signatures are gathered, MP's have more chance of persuading the Govt. to take this further.

Four Paws  is asking the concerned members of the public to e-mail their MP to request that they support the motion.

Details of how to do this (and see if your MP is already signed up, or not) are available at the Four Paws website

Hopping Mad co-authored a paper with Dr Anne McBride on farming rabbits for their summer edition, which covers many aspects of this debate in terms of welfare and resources. Please consider including this link, to provide your MP with more informed information on which to make a decision: have conducted a petition which has raised nearly 10,000 signatures to date. Please include this web link in your e-mail, which demonstrates the level of public concern: there is debate about the petition and campaign on the Facebook site:


Friday, 17 June 2011

Important announcement re: Hopping Mad bunny magazine.

It has been brought to our attention that the web host for ‘Hopping Mad’ has a couple of problems regarding security and linking. Users of Norton Anti-Virus software have reported to us that they are being warned about entering the site. The warning is clear that the issue lies not with ‘Hopping Mad!’, but with another site on the same server, and as such posed no risk. However, we recognise that readers rightly felt they did not want to enter the site. The report was exclusive to users of Norton, and we have not had reports of any further problems. The site, we suspect because of this, was unable to be linked through to Facebook.

Naturally this is both a great concern and disappointment to us – a lot of time goes into producing the e-zine, and experts and contributors give their time freely. ‘Hopping Mad!’ is produced with absolutely no funding, and yesterday a reader very kindly donated the e-zine both secure web space and a domain address. We are very grateful, and would request that readers now use the URL

Our new e-mail is

We’d also be grateful if those that have included our link in articles, etc. could replace it, and that readers now share the e-zine on Facebook etc.




Monday, 13 June 2011

Hopping Mad! Summer edition out now

Hopping Mad! Bunny Magazine publishes their summer issue! - Click HERE!

Tons of features, articles expert health questions, art, film reviews, interviews and much, much more - It's free and on Line!